Time flies when you’re having fun. This post has been sitting as a draft for some time now, if you’re reading it we’ve actually published it!
At the end of last year we funded Perilous Pond through Kickstarter! If you backed the game, thank you so much for your support! We’re speeding along towards the actual production of the game.
We started the year with dealing with a some practical things:
- Getting proofs for the mini expansions, Life Lessons and Bigger Teeth
- Refining the rules
- Starting the conversation with our production partner, getting all the templates and making decisions on colors and other production details.
Getting the proofs early was important to us to make sure our digital mock-ups would work in real life and if not be able to make changes without causing delays. Luckily our ideas seem to work well.

We’ve had to make a lot of tiny decisions regarding colours and designs. Our backers already know that we needed to change the dice material to make sure the designs would work out, but now we’re out of the woods and are preparing the files for production.
We’ve dug into the rules, trying to stream line them somewhat. We thought it would be a quick process and done back in February and we mostly was…but we still find things to improve. No actual changes to the rules, just clarifications.
Right now we’re focusing on preparing all the files for the printer. Converting colour profiles is always nerve wracking but things are moving along nicely and we should have no problem delivering the files in time.